Good News & Upcoming Events


From Ukraine to Canada: The Story of Olek, his Family, and Soft dB

At Soft dB, we are immensely proud to share the story of Oleksandr Doniecki, a Project Manager for Sound Masking, whose journey from Ukraine to Canada has been nothing short of inspiring.

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Paving the Way for a Bright Future: Soft dB Welcomes Its Next Generation of Leaders

After nearly three decades at the helm of Soft dB, our founding president, André L'Espérance, is embracing a very well deserved retirement while keeping busy on exciting side projects of his own. At the dawn of a highly promising chapter in Soft dB's continuing success story, we know full well that our retiring president's shoes are big ones to fill. But we're glad to announce André is leaving us in the best of hands.

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Need Help With Noise & Vibrations?

Making your spaces feel more comfortable and private acoustically goes a long way to helping occupants be the best they can be. Mitigating noise and vibration levels at work can help you optimize your operations, and protect your most valuable assets: your employees and your community.

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