From Ukraine to Canada: The Story of Olek, his Family, and Soft dB

Soft dB Global • February 26, 2024

At Soft dB, we are immensely proud to share the story of Oleksandr Doniecki, a Project Manager for Sound Masking, whose journey from Ukraine to Canada has been nothing short of inspiring. Oleksandr's story, beautifully captured in a video report by Radio Canada, highlights not just his personal resilience and courage but also his contributions to our team.

The moment Oleksandr joined Soft dB, we had a feeling that he was ready to work hard and make a difference despite the real challenges of moving to a new country: and Olek rose to the challenge. The challenges he and his family faced, moving to a new country in search of safety and stability, exemplify the kind of values we admire. Oleksandr’s ability to adapt, excel, and innovate in his field, despite these challenges, resonates with our values of competence, teamwork, and community.

The video report by Radio Canada brings to light not only Oleksandr’s professional achievements but also his personal journey of integration into Canadian society.

We at Soft dB are not just happy to have Oleksandr on our team; we are honored. His story is a powerful reminder of the positive outcomes that result from welcoming talent from around the globe. It reinforces our commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive environment where individuals like Oleksandr can thrive and inspire others.

For complete details and the full story, please visit Radio-Canada.

